Trust is the basis for shared experiences in space and thus of networking.
The event series “Urbane Praxis Trust FUNd”(roughly translated: “Urban Practice Trust Assets”) invites you to a series of formats that experiment with the Verein’s internal as well as external knowledge transfer. You can find all events on the poster and detailed descriptions below.
The event series of UP Trust FUNd asks, how can the explorations and applications of those forms of knowledge production help to make accessible and visible the entanglements and interdependencies in urban development? How can ecological, philosophical, and political theories and issues be translated into an experiential, caring practice, for inclusive and integral urban development and for a future of a socially and environmentally sustainable urban landscape? How can participation be asked for and experienced in the urban environment?
The Trust FUNd formats serve to activate and test specific issues in urban space.
The documentation of the series was showcased at Falscher Fisch during the Urbane Praxis e.V. Christmas Party.
Conceived and organized by the working group Knowledge Transfer of Urbane Praxis e.V. (AK Wissen: @Berit Fischer, @Anja Fritz, @Silvia Gioberti, @Noah Hoefer, @Miodrag Kuč, @Shahrzad Rahmani)
#IinvisibleStrings, #TangibleConversations, #TouchYourWords, #SichtbareGespräche #FassbareWorte: Natalia Irina Roman
#FeministischeStadt, #Inklusion: Valeria Schwarz
#DirtyDesign, #KollektivesMonument, #Transversal Poetics, #KollektivesTrauern: Jöran Mandik & Kilian Flade
#StadtAbdrücke, #Erinnungspraxis: Paula Erstmann & Yann Colonna
# Storytelling, #UrbanPoetics, #UrbanImaginaries, #Passers-by, #Raumerschließung, #Vernetzen: Lorène Blanche Goesele & Valeria Schwarz
#ListeningDeeply, #MitSinnenStadtErfahren, #UrbanPoetics, #Raumerschließung, #ErfahrbareWissensproduktion, #KörperimRaum: Berit Fischer
#BodyinthePicture, #CityasScore, #GemeinschaftsRaumPraxis, #Non-VerbalEffectiveness, #Fosteringdialogues: Eva-Maria Hoerster, Gabriele Reuter, Sabine Zahn
#Pre-Enactment, #Plan B-Z: Operation Himmelblick