As part of ZwischenRaum, a series of city walks for a change of perspective in thinking, creating and experiencing (urban-) space and its inherent relationships.
during the popUP week Urbane Praxis, 14-20 November 2022, Urbane Praxis e.V., Berlin, Germany
Saturday 19 November 15-17h
Meeting point: Entrance KO-Markt, House of Statistics
Sociologist and philosopher Henri Lefebvre describes that space is produced. Space is both, an expression and a medium of productive power relations. The physicality of human existence as a multidimensional being and its complex sensual qualities are the starting point for experientiality and critical engagement in the creation of, and with urban space.
By using practices of radical pedagogies, Deep Listening and meditative elements, we will encounter urban space in a relational, collective and holistic way; moving in and with space. We will experiment with connecting to ourselves, and to the “other“ –both people and the living environment– and with the place of the affective encounter.