Micropolitics Yoga is based upon yogic practice and breathwork and is enmeshed with affirmative collective exercises and togetherness that are based in the spirit of radical pedagogies, activist and artistic approaches.
Counteracting the colonialisation and mainstream capitalist appropriations of Yoga, Micropolitics Yoga emphasises Yoga’s original social and ethical spirit, that recognises that we are all interconnected. It invites us to immerse and challenge ourselves on a molecular level, towards a collective raising of consciousness in body and mind.
Together we will experiment and strive to challenge neoliberal capitalist demands and strategies of separationism, hyper-individualism, the pursuit of self-optimisation, of the normative representational functioning body, and the patriarchy over our individual and collective body.
Reclaiming Yoga through the lens of commoning, we will holistically work together towards an empowered, resistant, transformative and inclusive “body” that embraces its solidarity, inter-relationality and reciprocity with the collective “social body”. The personal is indeed political!
On 19.1. 2020: @ TOP Project Space, Schillerpromenade 4, 12049 Berlin, 16.30-18h as part of the curriculum of the School of Postcapitalism (SoP), an open classroom for (un)learning together how we can move beyond capitalism, in our minds and realities, and towards postcapitalist futures. The SoP is part of the neighbourhood project Common(s)Lab in Berlin-Neukölln. More info: http://www.commonslab.de